Doha Intercontinental Hotel

Doha Intercontinental Hotel

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Robert Kennedy College - post residency thoughts

A few thoughts on post-residency gloom, now that I am back at week after a glorious week in Zurich with new friends and colleagues.

We worked hard and played hard and were very fortunate to be based in the amazing venue of the Old Smith's Guild in the heart of the city center, close to the Niederhof shops and many cafes and restaurants, all of which we took full advantage of during our breaks and after we finished for the day. Needless to say, we conducted our daily debriefing sessions in the cafe by the river, aptly named the Rathaus cafe, as it was just next door and a stone's throw from our venue. We engaged in lively discussion about the day's learning, washed down by an odd glass of wine or beer and basked in the evening sunshine.

You may have seen the photos posted by many of us on the Facebook page for the group but just in case not, you can see one below of the amazing scenery and our lively group at the cafe.

We all benefited from the expertise and knowledge of our tutors for the week, a mixture from both YSJ and RKC, but led by George and Irene. We added to that, our own blend of international experience which appeared to be very wide ranging and everyone was generous with their contributions to the discussions.

I for one, am sure that it will be of great benefit to me when I come to start my dissertation module in the next few months.

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